Dr. Miller has been a working Acupuncturist and Herbal medical practitioner since 1998 and, for several years, served as a teacher of Internal Medicine, Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine, both privately and with the Alberta College of Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine.
Dr. Miller began studying Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and acupuncture as part of a Masters Degree in the mid 1990’s at the University of British Columbia. His studies focused on the philosophical underpinnings that distinguish western biomedical practices from more traditional modes of medicine. Upon completion of the degree he began studies at the International College of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture in Vancouver (ICTCM). The four-year program emphasized Traditional forms of internal medicine and diagnosis, and treatment of illnesses through the use of acupuncture, herbs and herbal formulas, diet and other traditional modalities.
In 2002 Dr. Miller was honored to become a member of the Matsumoto Benkyo Kai, a respected study group consisting of mostly unsighted professional Acupuncturists in Japan, and has since been travelling to Japan to study Deep Tissue Lymphatic Acupuncture (DTLA) under the guidance of Master Sensei Matsumoto.
Dr. Miller is highly trained and experienced in Traditional Chinese Herbal Medicine and is also well studied in the medicinal properties and uses of herbs from the Western herbal pharmacopeia. Doctor Miller is also an avid wild-crafter, spending a great deal of time in the mountains of Alberta and British Columbia tracking down and harvesting many of the plants used to produce the herbal remedies available in the clinic.
Dr. Miller has been practicing yoga since 1997. He has a strong background in Iyengar yoga, and has also studied extensively with Norman Sjoman as well as Gert Van Leeuwen (founder of Critical Alignment yoga and therapy). He teaches Critical Alignment classes at Yoga Therapy and Bodyworks in Calgary AB. Dr. Miller also employs this style of yoga in his clinical practice to assist individuals with acute or chronic musculoskeletal issues and other health issues (digestion, anxiety etc.).